Page 51 - GCC Citizens in the UAE 2017
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48 GCC Citizens in the UAE 49 GCC Citizens in the UAE
Annual Statistical Report on Joint GCC Economic Action - 2017
Annual Statistical Report on Joint GCC Economic Action - 2017
Exhibit 48: Number of GCC Employees in the UAE Private Sector, in 2017, by Education Level Exhibit 50: GCC Beneficiaries of the Retirement and Social Insurance in the UAE Statistics in 2017
Reads and writes Upper Secondary Bahrain
305 126 707
Saudi Arabia
Primary 766
Preparatory Oman
441 7,201
5,559 Post graduate Number of GCC
(Employees) 67 Beneficiaries of the Qatar
University Graduate Retirement in the UAE -
1,688 Others Government Sector Kuwait
10 25
Secondary Illiterate
2,830 9 Bahrain
(Source) Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation
Saudi Arabia
Exhibit 49: Number of GCC Employees in the UAE Private Sector, in 2017, by Economic Activity 895
Transport, Storage and Communications Financial Brokerage
421 431 Number of GCC
Beneficiaries of the Qatar
Educational Services Social Insurance in the -
232 Kuwait
Building and Construction UAE Private Sector 136
878 Trans-formative Industries 4,189
5,559 266
(Employees) Mining and Exploitation of
Mineral Wealth Social Insurance
Trade and Repair Services 178 Number of GCC 4,189
1,223 Beneficiaries of the (32.5%)
Others 12,888
516 Retirement and Social Retirement (Beneficiaries)
Health and Social Work (156) Fishing (30) Insurance in the UAE 8,699
Other Community and Personal Services (121) Electricity, Water and Gas(_7)
Real estate, leasing and Business Services Hotels and Restaurants (119) Not Indicated(40) 12,888 (67.5%)
1,414 Agriculture(_43)
(Source) Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (Source) General Pension and Social Security Authority