Page 9 - GCC Citizens in the UAE 2017
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06  GCC Citizens in the UAE                           07      GCC Citizens in the UAE
                                                               Annual Statistical Report on Joint GCC Economic Action - 2017
 Annual Statistical Report on Joint GCC Economic Action - 2017

 Foreword by His Excellency Obaid Humaid Al Tayer   Brief on the Role of the Ministry of Finance

 Minister of State for Financial Affairs  in the Gulf Joint Economic Activity

 The  UAE,  under  the  leadership  of His Highness   to develop strategic forward-looking plans, follow-  The Ministry of Finance works through the GCC Joint   Ministry of Finance has continued its diligent efforts
 Sheikh  Khalifa  bin  Zayed  Al Nahyan, President  of   up implementation  of GCC  economic  integration   Economic Action System. Tasks are entrusted to it   by holding awareness gatherings on topics related
 the United Arab Emirates and His Highness Sheikh   projects, in addition, implement laws issued by the   by the Council of Ministers to supervise and follow   to  Gulf  financial  and  economic  integration  that
 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President   Gulf Cooperation Council.  up the  stages of the  GCC economic  integration   include, the GCC Common Market, Customs Union
 and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, is   process, the implementation of the unified economic   and other joint projects.
 keen to strengthen the foundations of common Gulf   The  Ministry  continues  to raise awareness and   agreement, the functioning of the Customs Union,
 action and elevate it to the highest possible level.  knowledge  regarding  the  Gulf integration  issues   the GCC Common Market and other economic or   This  awareness  campaign  targeted  government
 and its important role in activating the intra-trade   financial cooperation projects.   departments in the country, Emirati merchants and
 The  aim being, the  improvement  of trade  and   movement  among  member states, as well as its   investors, UAE nationals and GCC citizens residents
 investment atmosphere in the region, promotion of   positive repercussions for both  institutions  and   The Ministry represents the UAE in GCC Financial   in the UAE.
 inter-states trade, boosting the competitiveness of   individuals alike, as it represents an economic bloc   and Economic Cooperation Committee .It also acts
 Gulf industries and establishing the Gulf unity as an   based on the principles of mutual cooperation and   on its behalf in monitoring the economic regulations   The  campaign  waged  by  the  ministry has also
 influential  economic  force in the  face  of changes   economic citizenship.  and draft agreements and participates in economic   included sending awareness messages about Gulf
 and challenges in the global economy.  dialogues and free trade agreements between the   citizenship and the Gulf Common Market through
 The outcomes obtained by the country, which are   GCC countries and other economic blocs.   brochures and videos posted on social networks.
 The Ministry of Finance is committed to abide by   mentioned  in the  statistical  reports, have come
 the  principles  of GCC economic  integration  and   to  confirm  the  correct  choice  of  approach  by  the   The  Ministry also  takes part in the  preparation   The  Ministry  of Finance has also created  an
 the  strategic  role played by  the UAE  in achieving   Ministry.  of economic  studies  and  statistical  reports that   application  known  as «GCC-TAKAML»  to receive
 the highest degree of economic integration as one   support decision-makers and  presents  proposals   complaints  and  obstacles  related  to the  Customs
 of the main pivots of the joint action and common   They  have also shown  the  efforts  exerted  by  the   for integrated economic projects that will enhance   Union and the GCC Common Market. The Ministry
 work approach.  The  Ministry  also undertakes the   Ministry and  the  various relevant  governmental   the Gulf economic and financial integration between   of Finance is going ahead with its constant work on
 implementation  of  the  provisions  of  the  unified   bodies to promote the framework of GCC economic   the UAE on one hand, and the GCC states on the   a yearly basis to deepen Gulf economic integration
 economic  agreement, and the Joint  Economic   integration, represented in maintaining the position   other.   and achieve positive results in accordance with the
 Action  Plan,  as well  as supervision of related   of the UAE as a leading investment destination for   adopted strategy.
 projects.  the citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council states.  Moreover, the  Ministry has  an  active role  in
        developing  the  Gulf  economic  action  and
 The ministry had created the Cooperation Council   strengthening  economic  ties  to  achieve  unity  and
 for the Arab States of the Gulf Affairs Department   economic integration. Along this line of action, the
 to form  a specialized work cell whose  mission  is
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