Page 17 - Investor-Navigator
P. 17

Section 04

              Innovative Education

 INVESTMENTS   Education is a universal right, and rightly so.  With
              the UAE’s resolve to provide a first-rate education
              system, and revolutionize education, in every possible
 IN PROMISING   approach, including how it is made available, its
              quality and efficiency and the very meaning of
              education itself.
 SECTORS      Complementing the UAE Education Strategy, the soon

              to be launched UAE’s blueprint to advance artificial
              intelligence (AI) in the field of education,  will create
              opportunities with magnitude and proportions not   Research, Technology and Innovation Park champions
              yet known to man.                                Sharjah’s efforts to foster innovation, encourage
                                                               entrepreneurship and develop a sustainable
              In parallel, various UAE entities are also paving the   knowledge economy.  An economic free zone by AUS
              way  to  a  transformative  education,  including  by   Enterprises dedicated to research and development,
 The following pages shed light to some of the   introducing research and technology centers.   To   the Park supports local and global companies,
 most significant sectors congruent to the UAE’s   name a few, the American University of Sharjah (AUS)  including private-public sector ventures.
 on-gong economic path towards prosperity and
 sustainable development.
              Artificial Intelligence

 All sectors highlighted are inspired by:
              The UAE  is set to  conquer new frontiers,  including
 • Emirate-level Strategies  fully utilizing the power of artificial intelligence (AI).
 • UAE Vision 2021  In the nation’s journey to the future, it will deploy AI
 • UAE Centennial Vision 2071  technology, while also affording the UAE to be the
 • Federal-level Strategic Enablers  first in the field of AI investments in various sectors
              – all of which will not only attract the most brilliant
              minds and innovative business:  they will also reshape
 NON HYDRO CARBON   the market as we know it, and invent investment

 Various investment opportunities in the non-oil    to help conduct   The Centennial Vision 2057 of Abu Dhabi Police
 sector is already witnessing significant growth,   UAE AI  experiments,   includes more than 50 strategic initiatives harnessed
 and one that is projected to steadily accelerate.   reduce rate of costly   by  artificial intelligence (AI)  and  proactive  thinking
 The UAE encourages domestic private sector   The intricate plans to intensify economic   mistakes  in future security work. Along with the rest of the
 growth and welcomes foreign investment. And with   diversification efforts and the overarching goal   Emirates' plans to leverage on the power of AI, these
 policies enabling economic diversification, buffered   of the UAE Economic Diversification Policy to   Renewable   Tansport  Health  initiatives would pump government investments, as
                                 to reduce
 by the country’s notable investment climate, the   increase non-oil GDP to 80% by 2021 makes the   to manage   accidents and cut   to minimize   well as force the market to reinvent itself and create
                                                chronic and
 UAE is well-placed as one of the global capitals for   growth of non-oil sectors a national priority. The   facilities  operational costs  dangerous   the unimaginable. 1
 entrepreneurship.  For these reasons and more,   UAE’s GDP data from 2012 to 2016 echoes this:
 investment  opportunities  are flourishing across  the   with non-oil sectors accounting for 70% of the   Traffic  Environment  Technology   Education  Water
 seven Emirates, and in various vibrant sectors.    UAE GDP during this period.     to reduce accidents   to increase   to increase   to cut costs and   to conduct
                      and traffic jams and   forestation rate  productivity and   enhance desire for   analyses and
                      draw more effective             help with general   education  studies to provide
                        traffic policies.                spending                      water sources
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