Page 13 - Investor-Navigator
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Select Global Standing of the UAE

 17 th                                                                   29     th
 Global Competitiveness Index  Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index

 1st                                                                                                1st

 1 st  • Efficiency of Government Spending Index  3 rd  • Availability of Scientists and Engineers Index  2 nd  • Safety and Security Index   5 th  • Business Environment Index
 • Government Pronouncement of Advanced
 • Protection of Minority Shareholders’ Interests Index
 Technology Products Index  • Goods Market Efficiency Index.
 • Effect of Taxation on Incentives to Invest Index  • Quality of Overall Infrastructure Index  3 rd  • Air Transport Infrastructure Index
 2 nd  • Public Trust in Politicians Index  4 th  • FDI and Technology Transfer Index  Source: World Economic Forum - Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index 2017

 • Favouritism  in  Decisions  of  Government
 Officials Index   9 th  • Strength of Investor Protection Index
 • Burden of Government Regulation Index
 • Country Capacity to Attract Talent Index
                          Global Innovation Index                     35     th
 Source: World Economic Forum - The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018

 21 st                                                                                              1st
 Ease of Doing Business Index  nd                                        th  • Government’s Online Service Index

 1st                   2     • State of Cluster Development Index   13       • Logistics Performance Index
                       9 th  • Ease of Protecting Minority Investors Index
 1 st  • Paying Taxes Index  10 th  • Protecting Minority Investors Index
 • Getting Electricity Index
 • Registering Property Index
                Source: WIPO, Cornell University - INSEAD, The Global Innovation Index Report 2017
 2 nd  • Dealing with Construction Permits Index  12 th  • Enforcing Contracts Index

 Source: World Bank- Ease of Doing Business Report 2018  Arab World Ranking

 23 rd                1 st
 Enabling Trade Index         in all main indices above                                             1st


 1 st  • Quality of Roads Index   3 rd  • Quality of Port Infrastructure Index

 • Available Airline Seat Kilometers Millions Index
 2 nd  • Quality of Air Transport Infrastructure index  6 th  • Time Predictability of Import Procedures Index  Logistics Performance Index  13 th
 • Customs Services Index
 • Efficiency and Accountability of Public
 Institutions Index  • Ease and Affordability of Shipment Index                                     1st
 • Physical Security Index   7 th  • ICT Use for biz-to-biz Transactions Index
 • Availability and Quality of Transport   1 st
 Infrastructure Index        • in MENA

 Source: World Economic Forum - Global Enabling Trade Report 2016  Source: World Bank, 2016
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18