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                                                                                                                                                        YOUR NAVIGATOR TO INVESTING IN THE UAE

              Section 03

                                                                                                                                     The UAE: An Ideal Investment Destination

                                                                                                                                     and Partner

              COMPETITIVE                                                                                                            Below are some of the elements that make the UAE a haven of investment opportunities that are built to

              EDGE OF THE


                                                                   Key to the UAE’s growth is its leaders’ clear                          Economic Stability
                                                                   compass of the future, ever cognizant of the
                                                                   needs to proactively respond to global changes
                                                                   and stay ahead of advancements in various                                            With an impressive 46 years of national development and resilience, the
                                                                   fields, including in public sector and governance,                                   UAE is the 17  Most Competitive Economy Globally, and works to enhance
                                                                   private sector development, health, education,                                       this status by diversifying its national income.
                                                                   science,  technology  and  communications,
                                                                   energy and innovation, as well as, among others,
                                                                   trade and investment.  Implicit in this journey is                     Features of UAE’s Solid Economy  14
                                                                   its by-product: the demand the efforts generate
                                                                   – nourishing the UAE’s development ecosystem                           • Strategic location                     • Consistent government spending
                                                                   with rich markets and investment opportunities.                        • Strong financial reserves              • Progressive policy of economic diversification
                                                                                                                                          • Large sovereign wealth funds           • Multi-specialty Free Zones
                                                                   Leading up to the UAE-hosted World Expo in                             • Healthy international relations        • Increased foreign direct investments (FDIs)
                                                                   2020 – and very likely even after post-Expo
                                                                   timeline – business, trade and investment
                                                                   activities in the UAE are projected to grow
                                                                                                                                          Open Economy

                                                                   Complementing such dynamics, the country’s
                                                                   well-defined vision of the future, its unquenchable
                                                                   thirst for excellence, the competitive approach                                      The UAE encourages private sector growth and competition, enforces
                                                                   the  UAE  adopted  to ensure  prosperity and                                         regulations that prohibit monopoly and has strong ties with key regional
              The United Arab Emirates (UAE) - years ahead of      sustainable development, its strategic location,                                     and international trade associations.
              celebrating its golden jubilee in 2021  - managed a   and open economy model, welcoming and
              profound transformation from a nation with a humble   enabling businesses and investors from across
              beginning to a highly progressive country: one that is   the globe - to name a few - make the UAE a                         The UAE is:
              characterized  with  a  vibrant  economy,  a  promising   desirable, and smart, investment destination.
              future and a sustainable development legacy.                                                                                • A member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO) since 1996.
                                                                   Indeed, a growing testament to this status is the                      • A member of the Greater Arab Free-Trade Area ( GAFTA) in which all GCC countries participate.
                                                                   recognition  as  the  best  country  in  the  region                   • Concluded Free Trade Agreements with Singapore and the EFTA.
              With its determination to be one of the best countries   in more than a dozen competitiveness indices
              in the world, and its impeccable track record of success,   and reports compiled by leading international                   • Cooperating with the GCC countries to conclude the Free Trade Agreements with the EU, Japan,
                                                                                                                                           China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Australia, South Korea and Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).
              it is no wonder then that the UAE’s international    entities, and, certainly one of the world leaders
              profile, including in the areas of economic growth   in many key areas and indices, including in global
              and investment, is rising at an astounding rate.     development and economic growth.

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