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UAE Inward FDIs

 Oil and Non-Oil Sectors Contribution to UAE current GDP, in Percentage, 2014-2016
              A testament of the healthy investment climate in the
              UAE, backed by sound policies, requisite infrastructure,   According to  the World Investment Report 2017
              and the innate ability of the UAE government to lead   issued by United Nations Conference on Trade and
              the nation to a promising future, the flow of foreign   Development (UNCTAD), the UAE is ranked 34  on the
              direct investments (FDIs) into the country continues   list of top countries in the world for FDIs.
 Non-oil sectors  to increase .

 Oil sector   Among  Arab  countries,  the UAE  was  observed  as
              the most attractive destination for FDIs in 2016, with
 2014  2015  2016  the UAE receiving 50% of FDI inflows to the Gulf
              Cooperation Council’s member countries.

 UAE Current GDP by Sector, in Percentage, 2016

 Wholesale, Retail Trade and   Historical trends of FDI inflows to the UAE also reveal   pursue its Economic Diversification Strategy, the FDI
 Repairing Services
              a positive outlook, with the UAE setting a target of   net inflows to the country, as a share of non-oil UAE
              5% FDI net inflows by 2021, as share of UAE GDP in   GDP in the current prices continue to show impressive
 Mining and quarrying   current prices.  Similarly, and as a direct outcome   results, overachieving the set targets for two years in
 (includes crude oil and natural gas)  of multi-pronged efforts carried out by the UAE to   a row, since 2014.
 Financial and Insurance

                FDI INFLOWS (TOP 10 IN MENA, IN USD MILLIONS, 2016)
 Manufacturing Industries
 Other Sectors

 Professional, scientific and   Transportation, Storage
 technical activities
 Electricity, Gas and Water
 Real Estate activities
 Public administration and defence;
 compulsory social security

 A Knowledge-Based Economy

 The Economic Diversification Policy of the UAE is   space and water, and an investment of over USD 81.7
 backed by the country’s commitment to build a   billion (AED 300.0 billion) in the fields of new national
 knowledge-based economy. Driven by innovation,   policies in legislation, investment, technology,
 the UAE Government announced the Emirates   education and finance – all of which would bring
 Science, Technology and Innovation Higher Policy   benefits that will transcend beyond the borders of
 in 2015 which includes 100 national initiatives in the   the UAE.  Turkey  United   Egypt  Arabia  Iran  Lebanon  Morocco  Algeria  Jordan  Sudan
 educational sector, health, energy, transportation,   Emirates
              Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2017
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