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Section 02

             UAE Economic Diversification Policy

 UAE          The UAE has a clear and comprehensive vision     With its economic diversification policy – which

                                                               is reducing dependence on oil revenues – the UAE
              to diversify its economy and achieve an optimal
 ECONOMY      balance between various economic sectors to ensure   gears to be more flexible in adopting new economic
              sustainability and create new business opportunities.
                                                               models, and seeks to be ever proactive in capitalizing
              As much as enhancing the UAE’s competitiveness in   on regional and global economic partnerships to
              the global economic front, the move to creating a   ensure sustained prosperity.  The policy also focuses
              solid foundation of the post-oil era – by diversifying   on investing in non-oil sectors such as infrastructure,
 The UAE’s competitiveness rating was supported   the economy and strengthening trade – will ensure a   technology, aviation, tourism, healthcare, and
 by strong rankings in infrastructure, goods   sustainable economy for generations to come .  education, among others.
 and market efficiency, labor market efficiency,
 financial  market  development,  business                     The UAE had already reaped the rewards of this
 sophistication and the country’s macroeconomic   The UAE aims to increase the share of its non-oil real   strategy: even when oil prices began falling in 2014, the
 environment, among other factors. For instance,   GDP to 80%, by 2021. As a result, government spending   non-oil GDP growth of the UAE in the same year was
 under the ‘Overall Competitiveness Index’, the   and investment opportunities in non-oil sector will   at an impressive 8.1%, surpassing as well the country’s
 UAE earned the first place on the ‘Efficiency   continue to accelerate.  overall GDP growth.  In 2016, non-oil sectors account
 of Government Spending Index’, having been                    for more than 80% of the total UAE GDP.
 consistently ranked second for the last three
 years .       Oil and Non-Oil Sectors Contribution to UAE Real GDP, in Percentage, 2016

 The solid economy of the UAE and its strong
 GDP figures bring the UAE to the level of many
 advanced economies.  Non-oil sectors
                Oil sector
 The UAE is a high-income country, and one of the   Although the backbone of the UAE economy is
 richest and fastest growing economies in the world.   the production and export of oil and gas - with
 It is also the second largest in the Arab world.  The   resources equivalent to the world’s seventh   UAE Real GDP by Sector, in Percentage, 2016
 International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected a 3.4%   largest proven crude oil reserves -  aviation,
 increase in the UAE’s real Gross Domestic Product   shipbuilding,  manufacture  of  construction
 (GDP) in 2018, in comparison to 1.3% in 2017. The   materials and aluminum, textile industry,   Mining and quarrying
 organization has also expected the growth of UAE’s   tourism, real estate, trade and many other key   (includes crude oil and natural gas)
 real oil GDP to reach 3.2% in 2018, while the non-oil   sectors make significant contribution to the   Wholesale, Retail Trade and
                                                                                         Repairing Services
 sector growth will reach 3.4% in 2018 in contrast to   economic development of the country.
 3.3% in 2017.
 With the UAE’s solid and diversified economy, and                                       Construction
 A rendering of this economic strength in the   a sustainable development future, the country is
 regional and international space, the UAE is the most   favored by investors for its open economy, large
 competitive economy in the Arab region, and ranks   positive surplus, ultra-modern and multi-modal   Other Sectors  Manufacturing Industries
 17th globally, among 137 countries according to the   infrastructure, strategic location and access
 Global Competitiveness Report for 2017 issued by the   to markets, encouraging business climate and,
 World Economic Forum (WEF). 11  among others, high standards of living.  Information and   Transportation, Storage
             Electricity, Gas and Water                                                  Financial and Insurance
             Public administration and defence;
             compulsory social security                                                  Real Estate activities
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