Page 9 - RT Arabic Case Study
P. 9

CASE STUDY             09

       RT Arabic Infographics                                                       

       From the above, we draw a number of suggestions

                 01                                    02                                    03

       Using different design for the        Changing the dimensions               Using the New York Times
       thumbnails with the use of a          of the infographic to a               ai2html script to convert
       separate text title.                  width of 650 pixels with              Adobe Illustrator documents
                                             an undetermined height                to HTML and CSS, which
                                             according to different                makes the content visible to
                                             narratives, so that the viewer        search engines compared to
                                             does not have to zoom on              the use of JPEG images.
                                             the page, and is bound to a           Some examples of using
                                             specific vertical direction to        this tool can be found at the
                                             view the data story.                  following sites:

                 04                                    05                          •The New York Times Graphics Department
                                                                                   •Graphic News

       Expanding the Infographic             Write a introduction or an
       section to include animated,          article for each infographic,
       video and interactive                 and provide direct links to the
       infographics.                         data sources.
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