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Setting up Business in the UAE Free Zones  Setting up Business in the UAE Mainland

               Important Notes     Identify Business Activity   Determine Business Structure  Register Trade Name  Apply for Initial Approval
 Identify Business Activity (License Type)  Determine Business Structure  Register Trade Name  (License Type)

             For more information, refer to:         While a business structure is primarily based on the needs of the   To register the name of your business (or its Trade Name), certain   An ‘initial approval’ means that the UAE Government has no
 Types of Business Licenses in Free Zones   Free Zone  • Trade names for businesses in the Free Zone areas also follow the general guidelines set by the Department   • Procedures and fees manual - The UAE Ministry of Economy  Business Activity  business, it will also determine applicable laws and regulations   guidelines must be followed.  In general, Trade Names:   objection for a business to be established in the country. It also
                                                                                            allows the investor to proceed with the next steps to set up a
                                                     to adhere to.
 of Economic Development of the relevant Emirates.   • Starting a business - Abu Dhabi eGovernment Gateway  business.  It does not however grant the authority to run the
             • Starting a business in Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi eGovernment   Mainland          business, or practice the business activity.
              Gateway                License type to be issued by UAE
 Commercial/Trade  Consultancy/Services  Industrial  Free Zone Limited Liability   Free Zone Company (FZ   Free Zone Establishment   • Opening a branch of a foreign company in Abu Dhabi - Abu   Must be followed by the Business Structure acronym (Legal Form   Important Notes
                                                                           of the company), for example (LLC, EST, PJSC, PrJSC).
 Company (FZ LLC)   Co.)  (FZE)  Dhabi eGovernment Gateway                                  • Foreign investors must obtain the approval of the General Directorate of
             • Investing in Abu Dhabi’s industrial sector  - Abu Dhabi   General Partnership  Limited Partnership  Residency and Foreigners’ Affairs before getting the initial approval.
              eGovernment Gateway    Options for Business Structure                         • To apply for an initial approval, external approvals of bodies governing the
 STEP 03     • Abu Dhabi Business Center  Types of Business Licenses  Company (LLC)  Public Joint Stock   country.  • Securities and Commodities Authority-related activities
 Educational  Media  eCommerce  • Trade licences guide - Abu Dhabi Chamber  (or the legal form of business, including parties associated)  Should not violate public morals or the public order of the   following activities are required:
                                                                                             • Legal Department-related activities
                                                       Limited liability
             • Services’ guide - DED Abu Dhabi
                                                               Company (PJSC)
 Offshore  Freelance  Warehousing  STEP 02  • Opening a business - The official portal of Dubai Government  Must be compatible with the required type of activity and the
             • Managing and expanding your business - The official portal
              of Dubai Government
                                                               Foreign Companies’
                                                      Company (PrJSC)
             • Selling your business - The official portal of Dubai Government  Industrial  Commercial  Private Joint Stock   Representative Offices  legal status of the company or business entity.
             • Register your business in Dubai - DED Dubai
 Manufacturing  Innovation  Others                                                               STEP 04
             • Process and requirements to start a business in Sharjah -   Professional   Tourism
              Sharjah Investment and Development Authority  Civil Company  Sole Establishment  Should not contain names of any religion, or governing authority,
             • Investor Guide - Sharjah                                     nor names or logos of any external bodies.
                                   Agriculture  Occupational
                                                      Foreign Company   Local Company
                                 • An investment/business can have more than one business activity.   Branch  Branch
 STEP 01                         • The business activities are grouped into four main categories, also called   Must not have been previously registered.
                                 • There are >2,000 business activities to choose from the UAE list.
                                 the ‘type of business license’
                                                                        Important Notes
                                                      Free Zone Company   GCC Company Branch
                                                        Branch          • The relevant Emirate’s Department of Economic Development approves
                                                                         trade names. (The Municipality, in case of Fujairah).
             Membership Application to                                  • The Ministry of Economy approves trademarks.
              Chamber of Commerce                     Holding Companies  • Trade name certificates are subject to renewal.
                                                                        • Fees: Trade name reservation fee; additional fees are sometimes charged: for
                                      STEP 01                            example, for trade names with special characters, regional references, cannot
                                                                         be translated in Arabic, etc.
                                                     Important Notes
                                                     • The  Business  Structure  (or  the  Legal  Form  of  Business) must  match  the
                                                     business activity.  For more information, please refer to:
                                                       UAE list of some Business activities and respective Business Structure
                                                     • For Definitions and requirements, per Business Structure, refer to UAE DED websites:
                                                     • Abu Dhabi Chamber: Trade Licence Manual and  Business startup and Operationalisation
                     Trade License is Issued         • Dubai Department of Economic Development: Start Your Business in Dubai    STEP 03
                                                     • Sharjah Investment and Development Authority: Process and Requirements
                                                     • Ajman Department of Economic Development: FAQ - Issue Business License
                                                     • Ras AlKhaimah Department of Economic Development:  Issuing Licences
                                                     • Umm Alquwain Chamber:  Licensing Procedures
                                                     • Government of Fujairah:  Doing Business in Fujairah
                                                          STEP 02
 Membership Application to
 Chamber of Commerce
 STEP 04         STEP 09
 STEP 05        Chamber of Commerce
 Choose Business Space / Location
              Registration of the business in the relevant Emirate’s Chamber
              of Commerce is required to operate a business.
 Obtain Approvals  Office requirements
 Options are available to   For ‘Freelance type’ of   depend on the number   STEP 07
 buying or leasing office   business license, a virtual   of employees and type of
 spaces in Free Zones.   office is often accepted.  business activity of the
 Additional approvals from relevant UAE government entities also apply for select business activities.    company.
 General requirements to obtain “initial approval” from the Free Zone:
                                  Obtain Additional (applicable) Government Approvals Required
 The relevant Free Zone   Office spaces in Free Zones are either fully furnished or
 STEP 06  Completed application   Business plan  certificate (if applicable)  Authority prepares lease   partially furnished and can be used as soon as the business   In some cases, additional approvals from government entities governing certain business activities are required. Examples of some activities
 Copy of existing trade
 license is issued.
                                 that require approvals:
                                    Health Authority of the Emirate  Ministry of Interior
 • Utilities and telecommunications are set up by the Free Zone, including
 Coloured passport   Registry Identification   Specimen signature   STEP 08
 copies of the company’s   Code Form (RIC) for   of the company’s   • Full time, in-house IT support
 shareholders, appointed   appointed Manager   shareholders, appointed   • Telephone devices and connections  Health-related activities  General transport - Driving Schools, Fire Equipment, Alarm &
 Register Business   Manager  (original and notarised)  Manager  • Wireless internet connection  Safety Systems, Used Car Dealers, Used Auto parts, Car rental  STEP 05
 • High-speed internet access
 • Data network connection  Submit Documents and Pay  Telecommunications Regulatory   Executive Council
 • IP Telephony                     Authority, Licensing Department
 NOC from current                                                                             Complete LSA / MOA
 • Registration fees and licence fees must be paid to obtain initial approval. The fees depend on the type of   sponsor (for individuals)  Unit title deed  Letter of Intent  • Services and facilities vary from one Free Zone to another. In general, Free Zone authorities provide the
 licence required.   following services and facilities:  Business License (Trade License) will be issued upon submission   Travel & Tourism - General Services - Charter Trading - Ship
 • To register the business with the Free Zone, the following documents must be submitted:   of all required documents and payment of fees.    Telecommunications  & Maritime Agencies - Car Clubs - Charter Air Transport -
 • Enquiring, reserving and applying for trade names  In an effort to continually improve “Ease of Doing Business” in   Foreign Company Branches.  STEP 06  Depending on the Business Structure (Legal Form of Business),
 2 years’ audited financial reports for corporate entity or certificate   • Getting NOC letters/’To whom it may concern’ letters  the UAE, several Emirates have introduced a fast-track approach   Municipal Government of relevant Emirate,   a completed and signed Memorandum of Association (MOA)
 of reference from a personal bank of the individual shareholder  • Issuing, renewing and cancelling visas  in obtaining Business Licenses.    Ministry of Justice  or a Corporate Agent Agreement with the Local Service Agent
 Board Resolution   • Investing and funding opportunities  Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority  (LSA) of the business is required.
 Completed application   appointing Manager/  Power of Attorney given   • Credit rating  • Dubai DED is leading the move, with its:
 to Manager/Director
 for registration  Director (notarized and   (notarized and attested)  • Legal advice  Finalize Business Location   In general, a Memorandum of Association (MOA) is required
 attested)  For ‘Freelance business type’, general requirements to obtain “initial approval” from the Free Zone:   • Furnished/semi-furnished offices   Legal activities, Legal Consultancy  for the following Business Structure types:
 • Warehouse  Instant License initiative, issuing license in just 5 minutes,   Food and Beverage related activities
 • Telecommunications  in a single step without having to register a trade name,   Ministry of Economy
 • Utilities     legal contract or even a rent contract.  Municipal Government of relevant Emirate
 Memorandum and   Specimen signature   Passport-size photo   Application for   CV   Bank reference letter  • State-of-the-art IT infrastructure  All businesses in the UAE must have a physical address to   Civil Company  Limited Liability
 Articles of Association   of Manager/Director   of Manager/Director   registration  • Secretarial services  operate. The business premises and location must comply   Company
 (notarized and attested)  (notarized and attested)  against white   • Photocopy and printing services  with the requirements defined by the Emirate’s Department
 background                                             Insurance activities, Insurance Consultancy    of Economic Development, as well as the zoning regulations of
 • Meeting rooms with AV facility  Start Business service to speed up Business License   Architectural and engineering activities  the local municipalities
 • Transportation  issuance for LLC businesses.                                                       Private Shareholding
 Registry Identification   • Labour accommodation      Supreme Petroleum Council             Public Shareholding
 Code Form (RIC) (original   • Assistance with recruitment  Important Notes  Important Notes  Company  Company (Private
 Share capital information  and notarised)  • Employee and family housing  Important Notes  • External approvals of bodies governing the following activities are required:  • Office,  warehouse  rental agreement must be provided. Some Emirates   Joint Stock Co)
             • Associated fees need to be paid within a certain amount of days (usually 30   • Legal Department-related activities  require an attested document.  In Dubai, the agreement must be registered
              days) upon issuance of payment voucher.  Non-payment will result in the   • Securities and Commodities Authority-related activities  Onshore-Offshore Gas and Oil-field Services, Onshore-  with Ejari  Important Notes
              cancellation of the application.   • Special Approval - AD Chamber of Commerce   • Multiple trade licenses issued using a single business address, with certain   • law firm, notary public prepares these documents.  In some cases, the Legal
             • Payments can be made through authorized banks and service centers.   • No Approvals Activities: Dubai Department of Economic Development  Offshore Oil Drilling Operations  restrictions and conditions.  Refer to each Emirate’s DED.      Affairs Department of the Emirate’s DED may also provide assistance.
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