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                                GDP                                                    TRADE                                              INVESTMENT                                            COMPETITIVENESS

              Oil and Non-Oil Sectors Contribution to UAE Real GDP, in Percentage, 2017  Volume of Non-Oil Foreign Trade              UAE FDI Inflow and Outflow (Billion USD, 2016-2017)
                                                                        (Billion USD 2011-2017, Including Free Zones & Warehouse (2016-2017))                                                   IMD World Competitiveness Ranking - 2018  7 th

                                                                                    430   437          435    439                                                                       2 nd                    4 th
                                                                              410                424                                             9.6  10.4                                 • Business efficiency    • Government efficiency
                                                                       355                                                                                                               rd                       th
                                                                                   263   270    259   273   266                                                                         3  • Economic performance  36  • in Infrastructure
                                                                            250                                                                 15.7 14.0
                                                                                                                                                2016  2017
                                                                               109    121   124   114    109   121                                                                              Global Competitiveness Index - 2017 - 2018  17 th
                                                                              51    46     43    50     53    52                                 Inflow  Outflow
                             Non-oil sectors  Oil sector                34
                                                                                                                                                                                        1 st  • Efficiency of Government Spending Index  3 rd  • Availability of Scientists and Engineers Index
                                                                       2011   2012  2013  2014   2015  2016  2017                                                                          • Government Pronouncement of Advanced   • Protection of Minority Shareholders’ Interests Index
                                                                                                                                                                                            Technology Products Index  • Goods Market Efficiency Index.
                       UAE Real GDP by Sector, in Percentage, 2017                                                              Top 10 Inflows by Economic Activities, as Percentage of Total UAE FDI, 2016  • Effect of Taxation on Incentives to Invest Index
                                                                     Percentage of Growth Annual Foreign Trade                                                                          2 nd  • Public Trust in Politicians Index  4 th  • Quality of Overall Infrastructure Index
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Favoritism in Decisions of Government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • FDI and Technology Transfer Index
                                                                                                                                                                                            Officials Index
                                                                             15%    5%    2%    -3%    3%    1%                                                    Real Estate Activities  • Burden of Government Regulation Index  th
             Mining and quarrying                                                                                                                                                          • Country Capacity to Attract Talent Index  9  • Strength of Investor Protection Index
             (includes crude oil and natural gas)                                                                             Wholesale and Retail
                                                Wholesale, Retail Trade                                                       Trade, repair of motor
                                                and Repairing Services                                                        vehicles and motorcycles
                                                                              Total Foreign Trade  Imports  Non-Oil Exports  Re-Export  Other Sectors
                                                                                                                                                                  Financial and Insurance       Ease of Doing Business Index - 2018  21 st
                                                    Construction                                                              Transportation and
                                                                       Top Countries by the Volume and Percentage of UAE Non-oil Foreign Trade,   storage                               1 st  • Paying Taxes Index  10 th  • Protecting Minority Investors Index
                                                                                Including Free Zones, In USD billions, 2017   Electricity, Gas,                      Manufacturing         • Getting Electricity Index  • Registering Property Index
                                                   Manufacturing                                                              Steam and Air                                              nd                        th
             Other Sectors                                                                                                                                                              2  • Dealing with Construction Permits Index  12
                                                                                                                              Conditioning Supply                                                                   • Enforcing Contracts Index
                                                                     China                                                                                        Mining and Quarrying
             Information and                    Financial and insurance             12.2% (53.3)                              Professional,
             communication                           activities                                                               Scientific and
                                                                                                                              Technical Activities                    Construction
             Electricity, Gas and Water     Public administration and defence                                                                                                                   Enabling Trade Index - 2016      23 rd
                                               compulsory social security
             Transportation and storage          Real Estate activities
                                                                     India                                                                                                               st                       rd
                                                                             7.9% (34.8)                                               Top 10 FDI Inflows in MENA in USD Million, 2016  1  • Quality of Roads Index  3  • Quality of Port Infrastructure Index
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Available Airline Seat Kilometers Millions Index
                                                                                                   2.4% (10.4)  Vietnam                                                                  nd                       th
             Oil and Non-Oil Sectors Contribution to UAE current GDP, in Percentage, 2015-2017               Iraq                                                                       2  • Quality of Air Transport Infrastructure index  6  • Time Predictability of Import Procedures Index
                                                                                                     2.9% (12.9)                                                                           • Customs Services Index   th
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Efficiency and Accountability of Public Institutions Index
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Physical Security Index   7  • Ease and Affordability of Shipment Index
                                                                     USA                                     Turkey                                                                        • Availability and Quality of Transport Infrastructure Index  • ICT Use for biz-to-biz Transactions Index
                                                                            7% (30.6)                  3% (13.3)
                                                                                                       3.1% (13.4)  Germany                                                                     Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index - 2017  29 th
                                                                     Saudi Arabia
                                                                              4.9% (21.6)                                                                                                nd                       th
                 2015             2016            2017                                             3.6% (15.8)  Japan                                                                   2  • Safety and Security Index  5  • Business Environment Index
                                                                     Iran                                                                                                                rd
                                                                                       3.9% (17.4)                                                                                      3  • Air Transport Infrastructure Index
                             Non-oil sectors  Oil sector
                      UAE Current GDP by Sector, in Percentage, 2017              UAE Non-Oil Foreign Trade Partners            Turkey  United Arab  Egypt  Saudi Arabia  Iran  Lebanon  Morocco  Algeria  Jordan  Sudan  Global Innovation Index - 2017  35 th
                                                                     (Percentage of UAE Non-oil Foreign Trade by Continents, Including Free Zones, 2017)  Emirates
                                                Wholesale, Retail Trade                                                                                                                  nd                        th
                                                 and Repairing Services                                                                                                                 2  • State of Cluster Development Index  13  • Government’s Online Service Index
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Logistics Performance Index
                                                                                                        Asia                       Top 10 Inflows, by Country, as Percentage of Total UAE FDI, 2016
                                             Financial and insurance activities                                                                                                         9 th  • Ease of Protecting Minority Investors Index
             Mining and quarrying
             (includes crude oil and natural gas)
                                                                      South and Central America                                                                                                                                   st
                                                                      and the Caribbean                                                                                                         Arab World Ranking               1
             Other Sectors                          Construction                                                                                                                        1 st  • in all main indices above
                                                                      Austrailian and Pacific
                                                 Public administration   Islands and others
                                                and defence; compulsory
             Professional, scientific and           social security   Northern America
             technical activities                                                                                                                                                                                                  th
             Electricity, Gas and Water                                                                                                                                                         Logistics Performance Index 2016  13
                                                  Real Estate activities
                                                                                                                                United   India  United   France  Saudi   Austria  Japan  British  Switzerland  Kuwait
             Transportation and storage                                                                                        Kingdom   States  Arabia        Virgin                    st
                                                                      Africa                            Europe                                                Islands                   1  • in MENA
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