Page 25 - RT Arabic Case Study
P. 25

CASE STUDY             25

       RT Arabic Infographics                                                       

       From the above, we draw a number of notes and suggestions

                 01                                    02                                    03

       Most of the infographics              Many of the graphs used are           A visual theme should be
       sources are sites such as             wrong or misappropriated,             built for the infographics
       Statista, and there is no             and graphs are often omitted,         design including colors, fonts
       original story, so more work          and numbers are simply                and graph design.
       should be done on research            stated without a clear                The theme should be also
       and editing.                          order, making it difficult to         based on the website
                                             understand and compare.               visual identity, and the RT

                                                                                   watermark should not be
                                                                                   used in this way.
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